Tuesday 6 November 2012

Treatment and First Initial Idea

It’s night/evening and a man is wondering the in the nature on edge and looking for something, it would seem as if he is being followed because he keeps turning round quickly to see if anyone is there. The man gets dizzy and falls over, the next we see is its day time and the man wakes up in the nature area, he thinks it’s just a dream, but as he walks off, he stands on one of the pieces of paper

Inspired by Slender (game) as the protagonist is looking for pieces of paper with messages on and trying to get away from whatever is following him

The purpose of the film is keep people thinking and questioning constantly; what was the protagonist looking for? Was it all a dream? What happens to the protagonist next?

Equilibrium – Calm night sky

Interrupt – Man on edge looking for something

Recognition - Seems as if he is being followed

Restore - Man walks away but stands on piece of paper

Return to Equilibrium - Titles come up

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