Friday 19 April 2013

Sound Research

Enduring Love
  • Diagetic or non- diagetic sound used: All diagetic
  • Does it match the mood: Yes. At the peaceful sound matches the surroundings.
  • How is it used to create suspense: Exaggerates all sounds.
  • What effect does it have: Creates feelings of tension and anticipation.

  • Diagetic or non- diagetic sound used: All non-diagetic
  • Does it match the mood: Yes.
  • How is it used to create suspense:  It creates suspense as the fast pace of the music creates tension.
  • What effect does it have: It adds anticipation.

The Birds
  • Diagetic or non- diagetic sound used: Both.
  • Does it match the mood: Yes
  • How is it used to create suspense: The sounds of the antagonists, the birds, are enigma codes as hints are being dropped about the narrative.
I will use this research and take it with me into making the sound track for my sequence. For example, weighing up all the above factors, I will use a mixture of diagetic and non-diagetic sounds to create suspense. I will mainly use diagetic sound so that anticipation will be created out of the lack of sound. And I've learnt that the sounds used have to match the mood.

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