Thursday 2 May 2013

Evaluation - 3. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My thriller sequence presents two main social groups. Age and regional identity. These social groups are represented through a range of different methods and project different ideas about the chosen social groups. Mainly through using techniques of camera work and mise-en-scene.

The age of the protagonist is used to represent the social group of young adults through camera work. Many times during the opening to the thriller, the protagonist is shown from a high angle shot as shown in picture 13. Seeing as the protagonist is representing the younger generation of people, the high angle shot, which is commonly used to present characters as weak or vulnerable could be suggesting that due to his age, the protagonist is susceptible to danger. This could be implying that the generation of 15-25 year olds are weak social group and are more fragile compared to the older generation.


The social group of ages 15-25 is also presented as current, trendy and modern through mise-en-scene. The use of costume is highly significant as it is the colour of what the protagonist is wearing that is of such importance. The jumper of the protagonist is the colour red as shown in pictures 14 and 15. This colour carries many connotations. It represents passion, danger and revolution. The implication of revolution is significant as this word means change and new thinking. This is significant for this age group as they are the future and they bring new ideas and change to the world. This idea can be applied to this young social group. The connotation of danger from the colour could present this social group as fragile. The fact that someone who falls into the category of the social group, the protagonist, is wearing the colour of danger suggests that the youth age vulnerable to harm as well as modern.



The costume of the protagonist could also be a representation of wealth for the social group of western civilisation in regional identity. The use of mise-en-scene shows that the protagonist, who is from western civilisation, is wearing a designer t-shirt and designer jeans. The expensive clothing worn by the protagonist suggests that the west are affluent.

The acting within the mise-en-scene presents the social group of the 15-25 year olds as vulnerable. The protagonist, who falls into this demographic, always seems to appear to seem scared or paranoid as shown in picture 16. The fear shown from the protagonist mirrors how many of the people in this social group might react to the current terrifying situation that he's in. This suggests that this social group can be perceived as weak due to the reaction of terror from the weak protagonist.


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